Gin Seagers * the informations are responsability of the associate

Gin Seagers

It is like the London Gin’s kind, known as dry. It is very appreciated and one of the most traditional beverages in Brazil, where it has been produced by us for more than 50 years. Synonym of Gin in Brazil

45,3%  Vol.

Cases with 12 bottles of 980ml.

INDEXATION NCM/HS: 2208.50.00 -- Gim (gin) e genebra
  • Category Distilled Alcoholic Gins
  • Attributes Nutrition Gluten free
  • Certifications Religious Koscher

Distillerie Stock do Brasil

Commercial Contact: Valéria Cristina Natal
Phones: + 55 11 5845-1777
Skype: Valeria-exp
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