Cachaça Velho Barreiro * the informations are responsability of the associate

Cachaça Velho Barreiro

Velho Barreiro is one of the most traditional cachaças in Brazil. Velho Barreiro is recognized by its superior quality and unique bottle. The production is about 60 million liters per year and it is the second largest selling brand in Brazil.

INDEXATION NCM/HS: 2208.40.00 -- Rum e outras aguardentes provenientes da destilação, após fermentação, de produtos da cana-de-açúcar
  • Category Distilled Alcoholic Cachaças
  • Attributes Differentiators Typical of Brazil Nutrition Gluten free Sustainable Environmental Responsibility
  • Certifications Food Safety ISO 9000

Velho Barreiro

Commercial Contact: Joeny Cremasco
Phones: +55 11 3674 1300
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