Sakura Alimentos
* the informations are responsability of the associate

Sakura Alimentos

CNPJ 61070694/0001-28 Commercial Contact: Amine Siagh
Phones: +55 11 2941 1177
Skype: siaghamine
Website: Address:
Rua Ordenações , 151
São Paulo - SP, CEP 03446-030
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About the Company

SAKURA NAKAYA ALIMENTOS, is a market leader in producing liquid sauces, Sakura produce a naturally brewed and gluten-free soy sauce, using only GMO-free soy beans. Besides soy sauce, the company is well known for its large range of sauces, such as hot, chili, barbecue and asian sauce, salad dressings, etc... Sakura offer a full support in manufacturing private labels in Brazil and to other companies in different countries. 

Sakura products are exported all around South America, USA, Europe, Middle East and Japan.

  • Categories Dry Groceries Sauces/ Preserves

